Saturday, December 11, 2010


It's Christmas Season and I feel a little sad for a male friend who recently ended his relationship with his partner. 

They have been together for a long time which brings me to ask my friend.. "Why do you think good things never last?". He answered, "I don't know." and that's when I had to tell him, "Some good things in this life never last because maybe those good things could become better or meant to be better to last in a different way.".  

In his grief, my friend managed to smile with what I said. He realizes that it's the not the end... but actually, the beginning of something better.

A long term relationships takes time to get over and to move on especially, if true love was experienced.  With positive thinking however, the process of healing is guaranteed to be faster and not that it would take as long as the duration of the long term relationship. 

It may be difficult from the beginning but it's natural... that's why we all grieve. Grieving over the loss of a relationship will help us move on and think positive in the long run.  Suppressing is only going to make it more difficult. For every end of a long term relationship whether it be with a friend, a lover, spouse, etc., we should all cry over it. After all, we not only shared good times with them but bad ones too that prepared us to become stronger...for the end of it.