Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Despite all the millions of support gay teen Jonah Mowry got from around the world, he was constantly inundated with some hate slurs and doubts about the authenticity of his youtube video, "What's Going On". Well, ABC News shed some light a few hours ago to end all the doubts in the world.

In my first blog about the 14 years old, the video link you see there is dated August 10, 2011 which means it has been 4 months ago... a month before young Jonah's school is about to start. The emotions, the thoughts relayed in the video... were and are real still real. Jonah felt he needed to get things off his chest that's why he made that video as he was scared to go back to school and encounter the same harassment and bullying that he went through year per year. Those years of bullying made him strong because being strong is the only choice he has left.

To end the controversy, Peggy Sue Mowry, Jonah Mowry's own mom shed some light to ABC News. The hairdresser from Forest Lake, California said, "First and foremost, I am proud of the responses we've gotten from people. I'm disappointed that people would question whether it's true." Mrs. Mowry said her son has been "uplifted by the outpouring of support". Read ABC News for further details.

Jonah Mowry is now happy and doing just fine. He has received tons of support from famous celebrities, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton and people around the world like you and me. Let us leave the kid alone and instead, be thankful that he had enough courage to speak up his mind, heart and soul.

Unknowingly that he did something great to the world, Jonah Mowry's video did us all the favor... his courage and brave act will serve as an inspiration to the many children affected by bullying because of their early real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.

Teen bullying as ABC News reported, has reached epidemic proportions causing several young children so much anguish that they have killed themselves. In 2010, Phoebe Prince, a 15 year old Irish immigrant was found dead in her South Hadley, Massachusett home after suffering from incessant Facebook taunts and in early 2011, Jamey Rodemeyer a 14 years old from Buffalo, N.Y., took his own life after being bullied online with gay slurs for over more than a year. 

Jonah Mowry's inspiring brave act youtube video and all the other videos by those who showed support (including an inspiring one from Jonathon Grant) which we have all seen will perhaps help end teen bullying and will help others like him out there with similar emotional distress cope up with the alarming social problem. 

Jonah Mowry taught us that suicide is not an option... being strong is.

Source: ABC News