Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Don't you just hate it when strangers especially women you just met put words with colorful fonts in your mouth?

Most psycho women do not appear to be psycho right away.  Often times, it takes many months before their true colors start to show.

November 5, 2011... I was in my happiest mood celebrating the one year that I got reunited with my childhood best friend after 30 years. We followed our other friends at a club in Makati and met a nice new woman who happened to be in our circle. The party went on and I felt the need to go to the restroom. She was there and I was grateful that she was there too because I needed a brush. We talked for a fleeting moment as I carried on with a few strokes on my hair but I was completely oblivious, I admit... of what we actually talked. My bad... I cant even remember what she said because I was just in a hurry to get back to my friends and watch over my childhood best friend who met new people for business. I thanked her though and told her I'll see her there at the table. 

The woman didn't interest me at all and so did all the other women. All I cared of that night was... I was having a good time with my male friends, I'm listening to music, dance and I was with my childhood best friend whom I'm watching like a hawk.

Two days later, one of my friends told me that the woman whom I later learned having a little sumthin' sumthin' with one of my guy friends who was also there last night said she overheard me say to someone (whoever that was) that "she's a hooker" which is the reason why she was giving my guy friend some hell that night and they left!

I was completely oblivious about everything that transpired that night! I was having a good time... I was in my best mood and I sure did not talk about hookers or whores to anyone that night! That bullshit created a rage I haven't experienced for over a decade... reminding me of my number one pet peeve... when people say I said or did things that I did not.

I checked this out with 2 friends and they confirmed I did not talk to them about hookers and/or whores at all. The rest of my friends... I did not even talk to them much too! The woman who did not even merit or gain my interest to get to know her that night finally got my attention and and so here I am still angry about the BS she created... wondering why she did that.

It brings me to one word... PSYCHO. Yeah... Psycho... that one word that says it all. It means completely she's completely nuts... doing actions with no thought about possible consequences and absolutely no rational thought. This type of women are often violent, they break things, they throw things, they scream and yell, they do outrageous things like vandalize your properties, embarrass you, harass you at work and they even threaten your new girlfriend and even a plain girl friend!

Does she hold your gun so good? According to studies, women who are psycho are often very good in bed. My lover should be happy with me! Thank God, I'm not that good in bed... just fair because I just love to cuddle more.

This type of women causes a little paranoia in me because these women are just plain crazy and there is nothing anyone can do to change them! They can do all sorts of things... they gather their female friends and gang up on clueless victims that they consider as threat to their lovers or boyfriends. I've seen it a lot of times and I feel bad for this woman (even if I hate that she used me for a dramatic plot).

I've been in deep thoughts and anger all day yesterday... she finally got my attention, got me paranoid to the point that I talked to my lawyer and considered putting a blotter on her and her "lover" to protect myself at all cost.

I protect myself, my family and my friends from any harm. I do not own a gun. I do not even know how to shoot. I only held these toy guns for a fun photography shoot but If my family, friends and my own life is threatened in anyway and in a situation that I need to save someone including myself... I just might not hesitate to get a gun, do my best aim and pull the trigger. 
My life has been so far great when it comes to relationships. I have never been a threat to anyone. I have never been with someone who happens to in a relationship with someone else. I take good care of my reputation and I keep my values intact for I have been brought up by really good parents. Although I am sometimes brutally honest with my opinions on people, I deal with it privately and never publicly. Well... to those who abused me and my friends though, I tend to make them famous online LOL... famous enough to realize they will one day need to hire and pay good  someone like me to remove all the publicity unleashed online!

To the friend who's with this psycho: Congratulations! You are, to me a punching bag for an emotionally unstable and weak-minded woman! I never said such about her! You stay away from me too! God knows what she will do to me when she sees me hanging out with you!

To the psycho who involved me:  I am no threat to you. You use me one more time for your acting capabilities, I will become a willing director... I will cast you and redirect your life in a film with plots you have never imagined! But I thank you... you taught me a valuable lesson in life.... that rumors are created and carried by psychotic haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots.

I was and still am, admittedly an idiot because this psycho merited a blog from me. Nuff said!