There are times when I seclude or isolate myself completely from the world. Failed relationships, bad choices, stress, being so far away from home, circumstances at work, health problems greatly contribute to this and I find myself seeking refuge in nature.
I felt like needing the mental and physical seclusion. Solitude... comes to mind for me to think or rest without being disturbed. Being isolated from distractions make it easier for me to concentrate, reflect, meditate and contemplate about my life. I seek to be alone and although solitude is entirely different from loneliness, solitude for me in this sense, is positive.
Privacy... is a luxury and every time I get the chance to get away from all and be close to nature, is a grand vacation enough. Solitude heals me and so it will with you.
Thanks, Vincent Garrucho and Mark Longos for the photos.
Location: Port St. Michel, Batangas, Philippines