Monday, August 30, 2010


Once upon a time... happier ever after.

The stories we were told and we tell are the stuff of dreams. Dreams we used to dream of as kids.


As an adult reading this, do fairy tales do come true? For the lucky ones, fairy tales told to us when we were young, happened.

However, what's with the most of us? What happened to our dreams?


Isn't it that the epiphany for most of us is that in reality, life is much stormier? That the reality is much murkier and much scarier?


Life's pains... we all just have to ride it out before we chase our dreams. There are no easy solutions... no easy answers. We just have to breath deep and wait for it to subside.

Reality... is indeed much stormier, much murkier and much scarier that we actually thought or think of.

I have had such a happy solid childhood. I miss Pinky and HH Lero... my first friends and I can't help but wonder... how life treated them. Hope one day, we get to talk about this... One day perhaps...

Thank you Jomi Garrucho for allowing me to post your wonderful photos here :))