Thursday, November 10, 2011


Last October 14, 2011... I was able to personally meet DARREN EMERSON at TIME in Manila, Philippines when he played at the puny world-class underground club I call "home". 

The Shambolic Waiting
Oh! I've always known that he is one gorgeous man based on my following him all over the net for ages... 

Yes, I confess... I am one of his biggest fans and I love his music since I saw the movie, Trainspotting... where his genius track "Born Slippy NUXX" was featured as movie soundtrack. That song... a brill anthem I'll never ever get tired of, was and still is, one of the most memorable dance track ever!

I dreamed about him being featured at TIME too where I even posted one of his photos on my wall months ago before Team Time actually confirmed to me he was gonna come to Manila. I was ecstatic!

However, seeing Darren Emerson in person for the first time exceeded my expectations... he is absolutely a gorgeous man! He looks like George Clooney... so manly... exuding an animal appeal that makes girls and women go "rawrrr"!

At first sight of him as I walked into the room, I think my heart fell! I have never really been starstruck by anyone but oh my... I suddenly was this giddy teenage girl in my early years going gaga over the then famous group Menudo! 

As I wait for my turn to ask him a few questions for my blog, so daft of me... I was downing San Miguel Light beers like a true endorser! I replayed on my head 10 questions I prepared to ask him but I guess I had too much beer and Darren's eyes are such a distraction that I was only able to come up with one! LOL! 

The Shambolic Interview
My partner at TIME, Pav Parrotte, had to frisk me first for dangerous weapons that might harm Darren. Pav probably thought I'd kidnap Darren Emerson but hey, I already kidnapped the guy a thousand times whenever I listen to his music. 

Oh yeah... the frisking episode sort of reminded me of a customs guy in Germany asking me if I have any dangerous weapons in my person... to which I replied, "Yes, my brain."

After the fun frisking, I need to calm my nerves, looked Darren straight in his distracting eyes and threw my one and only question (thanks, San Miguel Light): "Regarding Born Slippy NUXX... how did it get to be selected as one of the soundtracks for the movie Trainspotting? Is it your own influence because you are one heck of a DJ?"

Darren Emerson smiled and gave his answer. Oh boy! Here comes trouble... not because of the smile but because after daftly downing beers, I seem to have completely lost my comprehension of British English! 

Gawd blimey! I found myself drowning and/or floating in a plethora of words that seemed to be beyond my comprehension and caught just this... "English filmaker and producer, Danny Boyle was a fan of Underworld and he picked the song because it seemed appropriate for the movie... blah blah blah...". Sorry Darren... I'm such a twit! LOL!

Nevertheless, i had so much fun... pre-party time with Darren Emerson. When it was his time to play at TIME, I don't think I ever left the dance floor for 4 hours that he played! I was just happily dancing like everyone else!

For the first time in my life, I was literally dancing like no one was watching (like my Time partner Sarah Rosser in the photo above) that I ended up taking my shoes off at the end of the night! 

Darren Emerson gave Manila one stonking party. Meeting him and having been able to talk to him is like me winning a lottery... only better... because I never tried betting on one! I wish he would come back again to play at TIME in Manila! What a great DJ... one of the best!

To Darren... for giving us Filipinos the opportunity to dance live with your music, Ta! I'm forever a fan! See you again someday soon, mate!

Ooops! Before I end this post, did I mention that Darren Emerson likes to "tweet"?

Darren busy on Twitter
Follow him on Twitter... @darrenemerson or bookmark his website

Ta, Vincent Garrucho for documenting my time with Darren Emerson!