Thursday, November 18, 2010


There are times in each and everyone of us that we keep on getting constant stress leaving us totally worn out and helpless. I call this as a symptom of being burned out wherein, we seem to see everything looks bleak and it is usually hard for us to gather all energy to care or let alone, do something to get out of it. This case usually affects jobs, relationships and most of all, health. In my case, it's causing my world and my life to tilt fast....

Wonder why Search Engine Optimizers (SEO) that are good writers are highly paid... because we SEO people suffer from this case from time to time! It's not funny at all to watch how google crawls, indexes and serves the web all day and night! When companies decide to hire an SEO, it is a big decision that can potentially improve their sites, products, services and save time and money but also you can risk damage to your site and reputation especially if your SEO is not as productive and intelligent (as I think I am LOL!). However, An irresponsible SEO can be really damaging especially if he / she is suffering from technological burnout aside from the physical and mental aspect. Companies acquiring SEO's should understand that there are times that we get this once in awhile. SEO people must take a break from it all once in awhile and spend our hard-earned money! We are humans too... we get sick and tired of being on the internet! Our career alone deprives us from connecting to, socialize to, making love to other humans! Being with machines the whole time can be brain-whacking! A common reason for an SEO to be unproductive is being burned out. I don't know if there's such a thing already called an SEO illness but seriously, I am suffering from this thus; I am sharing these thoughts to all of you.

Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed and unable to meet constant demands. As the stress continues, you begin to lose the interest or motivation that led you to take on a certain role in the first place.

Burnouts can be easily recognized which is a must for everyone. My current burnout is brought about my own personality traits. I have this perfectionist tendencies that at times, nothing is ever good enough. At times, I think I am better than Google (LOL... yes, the internet can drive us SEO crazy at times)! I am also this pessimist... having a pessimistic view of myself and the world. Another strong trait I have is having the need to be in control...thus having this reluctance to delegate to others resulting to me being exhausted all the time. Ah yes... the workaholic me.... always the high-achieving type A personality.

Lately, I started to withdraw myself from responsibilities, isolating myself from others, procrastinating, used alcohol to cope up and taking out my frustrations on others. Bad indeed but I do recognize these and that's why I need to battle this burnout symptoms I have before I self-destruct.

Things I need to do:
  •  I'll start my days with a relaxing ritual.  Rather jumping out of bed as soon as I wake up, I'll spend at least fifteen minutes meditating, writing in your journal, doing gentle stretches, or reading something that inspires you.
  • I'll now adopt healthy eating, exercising and sleeping habits. When I eat right, engage in regular physical activity, and get plenty of rest, I always get the energy and resilience to deal with life’s hassles and demands.
  • Set boundaries... I won't be the "yes woman / yes sir" all the time. I can't afford to overextend myself. I will learn again how to say “no” to requests at my own terms and my own time. I have to constantly remind myself that saying “no” allows me to say “yes” only to the things that I truly want to do.
  • Take a daily break from work especially that I am so much into technology. I'll set a time each day when I completely disconnect... Putting away my laptop, turning off my phone and stop checking emails.
  • Going back to swimming to nourish my creative side. I choose this hobby/sport of mine... an  activity that has nothing and no relation at all with everything that I do at work. 

To sum it all up, I need to do 3 things... slow down, relax and reevaluate my goals and priorities. I need a vacation. Destination? Unknown but anywhere will do just to get me back rolling in my SEO world again! Hope the companies I work with understands.


Thanks @iamfabulousgeri for making me the 101st Sexiest Woman in the Philippines with your shots!!! Love you!!!