Sunday, November 28, 2010


Pigs like to scratch and be scratched. They like to rub against anything they chance upon. Pigs like to play... running in circles, chase each other as they grunt delight away! Pigs have short interest and attention span...they get bored and tired of same things quickly.

I am not talking about men here contrary to my female species' famous line "men are pigs".  I'm talking about the animal, their behavior and the fact that they are not dirty at all! Rolling in the mud doesn't make pigs dirty especially when the heat is on! Rolling in the mud cools them off as they are very sensitive to heat, prone to sunburns and heat strokes. It's just the way they are to survive and depending on how owners take care of their livestock, pigs are generally clean.... at least, that's how I perceive of pigs thus; I am reminded of my ultimate gastronomical desire!

Been craving again lately for Lechón... that pork dish us Filipinos inherited from our Spanish ancestors which is a nationwide favorite of the Filipino people during festivals, holidays and special occasions. With this very special dish especially in Negros Occidental where I was born and raised, the entire pig after its' entrails removed, stuffed with tamarind leaves and/or lemon grass, skewered in bamboo or thick wood, is entirely  cooked as a whole over charcoal... constantly being turned in rotisserie action. Mmmmm... tender, juicy, tasty! So loving it's crispy skin! I so love pigs... the four-legged ones! When I talk about pigs, I definitely do not refer to the men in my past! LOL!!! Oink!!!